Monday, August 24, 2015

Video Games compensate with games vs Virtual Reality

In 2010, a big year for Supreme Court, the reason, the attention of video game violence , and empathy for California law that prevent children from buying ultra-violent video games. Bringing up Mortal Combat to Grand theft auto, but no profound proof this triggers violence and rage, similar to tendencies of films, music and television. Stumbled upon a stimulating video, a conversation starter that the human brain doesn’t constantly trigger violent lust when it comes to gameplay, but seven ways games reward the brain , by Tom Chattfield on Ted Talk video. The emphasis at the start of the presentation is capability of learning to capture us emotionally, individuality and collecting through rewards in games. Goes into detail about how the brain reacts when engaged in two different processes, ambition (want) to complete quests + liking (affection) = engagement. For example, World of Warcraft, obtaining a flying mount sets a drive and enjoyment of being in a vast open world, and creating a powerful influence amongst people tie in that emotional connection.  The reward schedule, and a way a virtual designer thinks when it comes to placement of challenges in a game, to prevent boredom to a player. 

Humans evolve from generation to generation, for instance Mike Tyson’s Punch out generation of teenagers reacting to Retro gaming system, which 90’s kids would automatically recognize and know the true reward of those games, surviving the 3 life and no automatic saving.  What carries on from retro games to now, the reward system, development of experience bars to show progress; multiple long and short-term aims, such as co-op and patterning with AI or other players, rewards for effort, rapid and frequent feedback  (DPS damage), element of uncertainty, (example: Shadow of Mordor, hidden trophies). Triggers Dopamine part of the brain, excitement and confidence in the game, and motivate to play with other gamers. Majority of business are looking at the reward schedule/system as an example for employment, education and business. Makes it truly exciting to embark into the entertainment industry, because utilizing and understanding why our brains value reward and praise is connected to not only reality, but also the virtual world of video games! 


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