Monday, August 24, 2015

Death of MMO = Cyberbullying

            As promised, I’ve become passionate about controlling today’s youth against cyber bulling in MMO’s. Unfortunate, I’ve become a target, and a few players for Final Fantasy XIV: Realm Reborn game, and I’ve dealt with GM’s and PlayStation network about the case. Having viable proof, and being demeaned, as a player was hurtful, un-presented and unwelcoming, it happened, it’s the past but it does make my mind wander if it was a younger girl dealing with these guys?  For that reason, I’ve stopped playing for approximately 3 weeks, and even transferred servers, but unfortunately kind of lost the spark of playing the game. For numerous of games being developed and launched, there has to be a better way to control this, or put a end of loosing players in MMO’s, which means indie companies coming to a close. More bullying in online games (, it happens, but controlling it should have started with me, by not trying to make it better. 

            If this was real life, we just simply nod at them, or acknowledge it was nice playing after a foosball game, etc. In a gaming community, it’s just easy to curse out the stranger and stalk them to making their gameplay less enjoyable. I believe for this is lack of ambition, or self-esteem, why? All of these were through messages, and not verbal contact, I once confronted verbally and they just kept spatting out nonsense, it just shows how many players will hide behind the keyboard ( 


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