Monday, August 24, 2015

How do I re-emerge back into the entertainment industry?

A noble effort in the taking, it’s not all about the connections, it’s about sharing your gratitude towards of getting to make those valuable connection, by simply making a splash online. It’s even recommended, by people who don’t tell anyone how to actually making in the entertainment industry (, scout out an agent that takes little percentage of involvement. Which is quite out of left field, never really thought of that, so this means its time to start branching out and finding local indie games designers who need more for there portfolio, so we can actually do our own research on available agents. 

From there, making a “splash” into winning for notable work will debut for millions of people using the Internet everyday. Another smart move into getting back is having people talk about “you” (, whether it’s good or bad, people are talking and there will be recommendations on the way. The biggest part, is not giving up, keep knocking on those doors tell one opens. For instance, I recently had a interview for a game intern position, I’ve never been so nervous in my life, roughly because it was for want I want to do for the rest of my live, game design/development, and I probably didn’t get the job, I won’t know for a few days but I was blanking out in game terminology words and my game itself, ouch! 


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