Sunday, July 12, 2015

“Experts Views on the Value of Business Plans”

To become a leading game director of Parallel Vendetta Entertainment, there are a few key components which all lead to researching successful CEO’s, investors, and capital ventures.

Shervin Pishevar

Shervin Pishevar is a sequential tycoon, a chief venture capitalist, and angel investor who invest into technology. That is no all; Shervin is also a co-founder and managing director of Sherpa Ventures as of 2013, located in San Francisco-based venture capital firm. Shervin set goal is to create new companies, such as Tumblr, Uber technologies and partner with major vast companies to invest in them. His connection to the game industry is he has invested in a company titled Machine Zone, which grew to be one of the top players and large successful Mobil game companies in the world. Shervin was/is formerly connected to 50 company start-ups worldwide, and currently investing 8 million dollars to make transonic music travel a reality. "Surround yourself with value creators so that you can continue to be open with your heart and mind in an environment based on grace, merit and generosity."  A full throttle angel investor, and determine to create the experience, is a collector’s experience and being surround by doing his research on becoming a leading CEO decade after decade. 

Greg Richardson

Another prime investor for Mobil gaming, Greg Richardson is a 20 year game industry veteran and from CEO and general manager of Electronic Arts (EA), senior vice president of Edios in charge of product development, and investor in Elevation ventures which lead to Bioware/Pandemic. Greg aims to create desirable and game enthusiastic cross-platform games for the free-to-play environment, and someone with valuable key insight to what games have the potential to make it in the industry. Decades later, Greg has dropped over $18 million into Rumble Games, engaging the digital world around us, that looks into the gamers are the leading quality of delivering great games, power to the player. Respectfully, Rumble compromises industry veterans, everything fro Zynga games, Activision, Bioware, blizzard, Playdom, EA games, Lucas arts and Rock you.

Critical & Key components investors look for, and what they considered worth their time…

1) Angel investors are always on the hunt for superstars, and investors into the team itself then just the idea, if a developing team is passionate, smart and innovative if will be hard to resist for an angel investor to look away.

2) A completed business plan, everything detailed and fleshed out with proof of LLC, the company is established and seeking funds or has had successful viral funding campaigns backings. If a developer, or proposed company has no business plan, the angel investor will assume the company will fail.

3) Having a start-up costs of a company, and is no longer lower then half a million or surpasses the five million start-up costs.

4) Integrity, value and grit of the company, knowing the angel investor can trust the clients/team and have the pure backbone of determination, won’t fail.

5) Following integrity, understands the risk of failure/success, and knowing to be realistic it may take a little time to build a profound start-up between the investors and clients.

Following up with the business plan, is seeking out practical upcoming investors or financial firm practices. Assembling the team, so everyone can take part in mastering the business plan for angel/capital and venture investors.

Hendricks, D. (2014, August 5). 5 Things Angel Investors Should Look for in Startups. Retrieved July 12, 2015, from

Pishevar, S. (2010, May 31). Shervin blog. Retrieved July 12, 2015.

Richardson, G. (2014, August 6). Greg talks about these topics. Retrieved July 12, 2015.
