Saturday, June 6, 2015

Gaming Landscape of Future Consoles

The Future of Video Game Consoles

“Digital Landscaping”, and what does it entail tying into the entertainment/video game industry, it involves the evolution of online interaction, marketing, awareness and various forms of social media.  Curiosity triggered, once I realized will their be a broader landscape for game consoles in the near future, or will it be brought to a halt after the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One hit the market? Numerous of questions were brought up because of all the attention these next generation consoles can conspire with current gaming technology, even though it hasn’t been the best variety of dedicated games for the next gen consoles. Rumors being said theta the game industry is shaping for analysts to start believing that there won’t ever be a PlayStation 5 or Xbox two, only time will tell. “Will there be a next generation in about eight years? It won’t be in the shape and form we know today with consoles,” said Peter Warman, CEO of research firm New zoo, revealing that current people working for the industry has there job cut out for them, to up keeping high quality standards for story, visuals and game mechanics in developing beyond our imaginative games for game enthusiasts everywhere. The digital landscape of game consoles is quite widespread, from Mobil, and free-to-play games are really setting the pace of a thriving market in the video game industry. Just for that information alone, fewer games are getting developed on major consoles, and very little room to advance for people to continually to invest in the next major console, because the forecast of another consoles release in the next fives years is quite low. Warman has mentioned, “Today’s consumer has three or four screens and the majority of gamers play across all of these screens. It used to be a 50/50 split between PC and console, but now mobile – both smartphones and tablets – and even Smart TVs, are impacting the games space.” Steam is in high demand, and purchasing games through Xbox Live or PlayStation Network, while rumors of a Steam playable console in the works, so it wouldn’t be a bad thing for any new major consoles to be on hold for awhile, and for current game developers to continue to master newer and faster game engines that current next generation game consoles can showcase visual excitement.
